Pueblo, Pueblo County Colorado Gazetteer Surnames A ~ Z
The principal town and county seat of Pueblo county, is located
in the valley of the Arkansas, near the confluence of that
stream with the Fountain qui Bouille, and is the most
flourishing and populous agricultural town in Colorado. It is
surrounded by the best farming and grazing lands in the
Territory, and has already achieved considerable importance as a
business point, and when railways, now in course of
construction, connect it with the great Eastern centers, it will
not be surpassed in prosperity by any city in the Territory.
Statements of the business of Pueblo, and a detailed description
of its improvements appears under Pueblo County.
Abrams Joseph, clerk, with H. O. Rettberg
Adams Geo. S. residence corner Santa Fe Avenue and Eighth
Allen T. G. sheriff, Pueblo County, residence Eleventh, between
High and Court
Altuff Peter, laborer, boards corner Main and Fifth
Anderson A. M. carpenter, boards Union House
Arcnuleta J. clerk, with H. O. Rettberg
Armstrong J. N. printer, boards Fourth, between Santa Fe Avenue
and Summit
Ayres D. D. proprietor, Drovers' House, corner Santa Fe Avenue
and Second
Bartel Gustav (Bartel Bros.), dealer in general merchandise,
Santa Fe Avenue between Fourth and Filth
Barndollar Feed & Company forwarding and commission, flour and
grain dealers, Fifth, between Santa Fe Avenue and Main, boards
National Hotel
Bach John, shoemaker, corner Santa Fe Avenue and Sixth
Barnum Lewis, agent Barlow, Sanderson & Company's stage line,
office, Santa Fe Avenue between Fourth and Fifth
Bartlett A. furniture dealer, Santa Fe Avenue between Fifth and
Bartlett W. H. bookkeeper, with A. Bartlett
Baxter O. H. P. proprietor Pueblo Flour Mill, residence Main,
between Third and Fourth
Beach A. carpenter and builder, Fifth, between Santa Fe Avenue
and Summit
Beard ____, stone mason, boards with A. Carter
Benoit James, watchmaker, boards City Bakery
Benning Henry, blacksmith and wagon maker, corner Santa. Fe
Avenue and Third, residence head of Sixth
Bergemann Jacob, printer, residence Sixth, between Main and High
Bergemann Marks, residence Sixth, between Court and Main
Berry David (J. Berry & Bro.) dealer in general merchandise,
Santa Fe Avenue between Third and Fourth
Berry Julius, dealer in general merchandise, Santa Fe Avenue
between Third and Fourth
Bilby George W. laborer, residence corner Court and Sixth
Bishop ____, brick molder, boards Mrs. Marshall
Bitoreand E. laborer, residence Ninth, between Santa Fe Avenue
and Summit
Blake Frank, clerk, with P. R. Thombs
Brown J. N. Germania saloon, corner Santa Fe Avenue and Third
Bradford A. A. delegate to Congress, office, Santa Fe Avenue
between Fourth and Fifth
Bradford Mark G. receiver, land office, residence Bradford,
between Third and Fourth
Bradley ____, bricklayer, residence corner Fifth and Main
Brumley M. carpenter, residence corner Sixth and Court
Brazil J. S. laborer, boards City Bakery
Brady James, hostler, with Joel Roe
Bute George A. clerk, third judicial district court, boards
Drovers' Hotel
Carlile James N. (Carlile & Keeling), proprietor, livery stable,
Sixth, between Santa Fe Avenue and Main
Carlton R. C. real estate agent, office. Fourth, between Santa
Fe Avenue and Summit
Carrillo Jose, laborer, boards Bridge House
Carpe Fritz, farmer, boards First, nr. Santa Fe Avenue
Carter A. prop, boarding house, Santa Fe Avenue between Second
and Third
Carray ____, teamster, boards A. Carter
Cannon John, bricklayer, boards A. Carter
Chavy Norris, clerk, with Peabody & Jordan, boards Union House
Chapman G. carpenter, boards Union House
Chapman Wm. H. saloonkeeper, Santa Fe Avenue between Fourth and
Chandler Frank, barkeeper, boards corner Ninth and High
Chilcott Geo. M. attorney at law, residence corner Santa Fe
Avenue and Sixth
City Bakery, corner Santa Fe Avenue and Sixth
Costello Ricardo, shoemaker, Santa Fe Avenue between Second and
Coleman J. stonemason, boards Union House
Cooper H. H. (Cooper Bros.), dealer in stoves, tinware, etc.
Santa Fe Avenue between Fifth and Sixth
Cooper E. C. (Cooper Bros.), dealer in stoves, tinware, etc.
Santa Fe Avenue between Fifth and Sixth
Coburn Charles, cook, Union House
Cort Abner, carpenter, boards Santa Fe Avenue between Seventh
and and Eighth
Colorado Chieftain, Lambert & Company proprietor, office and
editorial rooms. Fourth, between Santa Fe Avenue and Summit
Conley Lewis, carpenter, residence corner Fifth and Main
County Jail, corner Tenth and Court
Cox J. B. carpenter, residence corner Santa Fe and Sixth
Craig P. trader, residence Sixth, between Santa Fe Avenue and
Curtis A. A. laborer, residence Seventh, between Court and High
Curtis A. G. laborer, residence Seventh between Court and High
Curtis E. C. laborer, residence Seventh, between Court and High
Curtis Edward, physician and surgeon, office, Santa Fe Avenue
between Seventh and Eighth
Daniels R. N. constable, boards, Union House
Davis J. W. wheelwright, corner Santa Fe Avenue and Sixth
Davis William, farmer, boards Union House
Dewees J. W. shoemaker, corner Santa Fe Avenue and Sixth
Dickman Hermann, dairyman, First near Santa Fe Avenue
Doyle James, laborer, boards City Bakery
Durley William A. Harness Maker, with S. C. Gallup
Edwards Samuel Rev. pastor Episcopal Church, residence, corner
Eleventh and High
Eichbaum Wm. F. prop, water wagon, residence corner Main and
Epps Chas. (colored), barber, boards, Union House
Fooelsky Christian, proprietor Pueblo Brewery, First, between
Santa Fe Avenue and Summit
Flynn Daniel, carpenter, residence Seventh, between Court and
Francisco Eurico, laborer, residence First, between Santa Fe
Avenue and Summit
Fuquay Joseph, laborer, residence Main, between Third and Fourth
Gallaway Daniel, blacksmith, Santa Fe Avenue between Fifth and
Gallup S. C. saddler and harness maker, Santa Fe Avenue between
Third and Fourth
Gemmill J. T. blacksmith, corner Santa Fe Avenue and Third,
residence Sixth, between Main and Court
Gilligan John, shoemaker, Santa Fe Avenue between Fifth and
Gilmore A. J. saloonkeeper, Santa Fe Avenue between First and
Givens M. laborer, boards City Bakery
Goddard John S. (Brown & Goddard), Germania saloon, corner Santa
Fe Avenue and Third
Griffin Henry, agent Barlow, Sanderson & Company S. O. M. and
Express, boards Drovers' House
Harris Martin V. B. farmer, residence High, between Tenth and
Hart C. J. harness maker, residence Santa Fe Avenue between
Eighth and Ninth
Harrison W. H. boards A. Carter
Harriot F. proprietor Washington Brewery, Santa Fe Avenue
between Second and Third
Hallett Moses, chief justice. Territory of Colorado, residence
corner Main and Sixth
Hanson T. (colored), laborer, residence corner Santa Fe Avenue
and Seventh
Henkle C. proprietor City Bakery, Santa Fe Avenue near Sixth
Hepburn G. W. judge probate court, boards Union House
Herz A. residence corner Santa Fe Avenue and Fifth
Hensi Martin, brick molder, residence corner Main and Sixth
Hill & Pierce (J. G. Hill and G. M. Pierce), dealers in stoves,
tinware, etc.
Hichings J. painter, boards Union House
Hinsdale Geo. A. attorney at law, office, Fourth, between Santa
Fe Avenue and Main
Holmes Chas. boards Ninth, between Santa Fe Avenue and Main
Holmes E. C. attorney at law, office, Santa Fe Avenue between
Fifth and Sixth
Howe Horace B. miner, residence Santa Fe Avenue between Third
and Fourth
Hoyt V. B. (Ferd. Barndollar & Company), forwarding and
commission merchant. Fifth, between Santa Fe Avenue and Main
Howard D. E. laborer, boards Union House
Howard G. H. proprietor Union House
Hyde W. H. wagon maker, Third, between Santa Fe Avenue and Main
Ingersoll ____, harness maker, with S. C. Gallup
Irwin J. M. carpenter, boards City Bakery
Jackson Silas (colored) barber, boards Union House
Jamison J. W. carpenter, with A. Bartlett
Jenner John, grocer, corner Santa Fe Avenue and Second
Johnson George, teamster, boards National Hotel
Johnson J. W. bricklayer, boards City Bakery
Johnson Thos. A. mason, boards City Bakery
Johnson Wm. carpenter, boards Union House
Jordan J. O. (Peabody & Jordan), dealer in dry goods, clothing,
groceries, etc. Santa Fe Avenue between Third and Fourth
Jordan M. S. clerk, with Peabody & Jordan, boards National Hotel
Jones W. N. carpenter, boards City Bakery
Kealing Weldon, proprietor, livery stable, residence Ninth,
between Santa Fe Avenue and Main
Keasey John, hostler, with Carlile & Kealing
Kelley James, cook, residence Third, near Santa Fe Avenue
Kelley S. stonemason, boards Union House
Kennedy R. fruit dealer, Santa Fe Avenue between Third and
Kirkbride C. H. carpenter, boards City Bakery
Kirkham B. F. carpenter, residence High, between Tenth and
Kusko Thos. carpenter, boards City Bakery
Kretschmer Charles (Hyde & Kretschmer), blacksmith and wagon
maker, Third, between Santa Fe Avenue and Main
Lambert N. N. & Company props. Colorado Chieftain, office and
editorial rooms, Fourth, bet, Santa Fe Avenue
and Summit
Lambkin J. R. saloonkeeper, Santa Fe Avenue between Fourth and
Lawrence John, cook. National Hotel
Lewis Martha A. widow, laundress, residence Sixth, between Court
and High
Lowther John R. (Ferd Barndollar & Company), commission and
forwarding merchant.
Fifth, between Santa Fe Avenue and Main, residence corner Court
and Seventh
Logan T. laborer, boards Sixth, between Santa Fe Avenue and Main
Luna Pedro, residence foot of Third
Ludlow ____, bricklayer, boards corner Fifth and Main
Lyons P. S. stone mason, boards Union House
Maynard S. printer, residence Sixth, between Santa Fe Avenue and
Masake Anna Miss, domestic, with H. C. Thatcher
Macomb W. butcher, corner Fifth and Santa Fe Avenue residence
Fifth, between Santa Fe Avenue and Summit
Marshall M. J. widow, residence Santa Fe Avenue between Second
and Third
Machus J. carpenter, residence corner Santa Fe Avenue and Fifth
Macdonald James (Chillcot, Bradford & Macdonald), attorney at
law, office, Santa Fe Avenue between Third and Fourth
Macdonald J. A. stock dealer, boards National Hotel
McMurtry Eliza Mrs. (colored), laundress, residence head of
McCarty M. gunsmith, corner Santa Fe Avenue and Second
Methodist Episcopal Church, north east corner Main and Seventh
Miller J. D, county clerk, residence Fifth, between Santa Fe
Avenue and Main
Morgan G. W. county treasurer, residence Fifth, between. Santa
Fe Avenue and Summit
Monroe G. carpenter, boards City Bakery
Montgomery John J. painter, residence Santa Fe Avenue between
Second and Third
Moore W. B. prop, livery stable. Sixth, between Santa Fe Avenue
and Main
Murphy J. A. clerk, with J. A. & M. D. Thatcher, boards Union
Murray H. clerk, with Cooper Bros.
Myers J. H. painter, residence foot of Third
Nathan Simon, butcher, residence corner Sixth and Court
National Hotel, H. C. Withers, proprietor Santa Fe Avenue
between Fourth and Fifth
Nauman A. porter, with Ferd. Barndollar & Company
Nelson Amear, carpenter, residence foot of Sixth
Nusbaum Philip, stock dealer, residence Fifth, between Santa Fe
Avenue and Summit
Nusbaum Moses, stock dealer, residence corner Summit and Fifth
Nusbaum Robert, stock dealer, residence Main, between Third and
Ortez G. laborer, residence Ninth, between Santa Fe Avenue and
Owen E. S. carpenter, residence Eleventh, near High
Owen Thos. carpenter, residence corner Santa Fe Avenue and
Palmer Chas. druggist, boards City Bakery
Percival Lewis, carpenter, residence Eighth, between Santa Fe
Avenue and Summitt
Peck C. D. & Company butchers, corner Fifth and Santa Fe Avenue
Peabody & Jordan, dealers in dry good, clothing, groceries, etc.
Santa Fe Avenue between Third and Fourth
Peabody C. P. (Peabody & Jordan) dealer in general merchandise,
Santa Fe Avenue between Third and Fourth
Perry C. L. carpenter, boards Lewis Conley
Pierce G. M. (Hill & Pierce), dealer in stoves, tinware, etc.
Pim Thomas F. residence Fourth, between Summit and Bradford
Post Office, w. 8. Santa Fe Avenue between Third and Fourth
Price H. K. freighter, residence corner High and Seventh
Pulver John, laborer, boards Union House
Pueblo Flouring, Mills, Thatcher & Baxter, proprietor, Main,
between Fourth and Fifth
Rettberg H. O. dealer in general merchandise, corner Santa Fe
Avenue and Fourth, residence corner Bradford and Fourth
Redfield A. clerk, with G. B. Skidmore, boards corner Summit and
Reed M. C. surgeon dentist, boards Drovers' Hotel
Rice J. dealer in cigars, tobacco, etc. Santa Fe Avenue between
Third and Fourth, residence Santa Fe Avenue between Sixth and
Richmond James, cook, boards, City Bakery
Roe Joel, proprietor Pueblo Livery Stable, corner Santa Fe
Avenue and Second
Robinson George, miller, residence Fifth, between Santa Fe
Avenue and Main
Robinson L. D. peddler, boards corner Fourth and Summit
Runnells J. bookkeeper, with J. A. & .M. D. Thatcher, boards
National Hotel
Ruffin W. Colored, laborer, residence corner Santa Fe Avenue and
Schueter Frederika Miss, domestic, with E. G. Allen
Schwed Ed. baker, boards City Bakery
Scidmore G. B. dealer in agricultural implements, corner Santa
Fe Avenue and Fourth
Shephard Jacob, painter, boards City Bakery
Shillower Wm. tailor, Sixth between Santa Fe Avenue and Main
Sisk H. H. laborer, residence corner Main and Fifth
Smith E. M. deputy sheriff, residence corner Main and Eleventh
Smith J. F. gardener, residence Santa Fe Avenue between Eighth
and Ninth
Smith J. J. teamster, residence Fourth, between Santa Fe Avenue
and Summit
Smith James E. blacksmith, residence Fourth, between Santa Fe
Avenue and Main
Smith John (col'd), hostler, with David Berry
Smith S. S. photographer, Santa Fe Avenue between Third and
Snyder J. W. O. physician and surgeon and postmaster, residence
Santa Fe Avenue between Fifth and Sixth
Snyder C. D. telegraph operator, boards J. W. O. Snyder
Southern Overland Mail and Express, office, Santa Fe Avenue
between Third and Fourth
St. Peter's (Episcopal) Church, corner Santa Fe Avenue and
Stiles Henry, laborer, residence corner High and Seventh
Stephenson G. plasterer, boards City Bakery
Strehlow A. saloonkeeper, First, between Santa Fe Avenue and
Stokes J. carpenter, boards corner Summit and Fourth
Studzinski M. butcher, Santa Fe Avenue between Third and Fourth
Stein Charles, saddler, with S. C. Gallup
Stone Wilbur F. attorney at law, office and residence corner
Santa Fe Avenue and Sixth
Summerfield A. T. cattle agent boards Union House
Swan Thos. laborer, boards National Hotel
Teel P. H. barkeeper, with A. J. Gilmore
Thatcher Bros, bankers, s. w. corner Santa Fe Avenue and Fourth
Thatcher H. C. attorney at law, office and residence Ninth,
between Santa Fe Avenue and
Thatcher J. A. & M. D. dealers in general merchandise, south
east corner Santa Fe Avenue and Fourth
Thatcher M. D. (Thatcher Bros.) boards National Hotel
Thomas & Henkel, props. City Bakery, Santa Fe Avenue near Ninth
Thomas C. boards, A. Carter
Thomas J. J. (Thomas & Henkel), proprietor City Bakery
Thomas Levi, teamster, boards City Bakery
Thombs P. R. physician and surgeon and druggist, Santa Fe Avenue
between Third and Fourth
Tittmann J. carpenter, residence corner Santa Fe Avenue and
Toof Harriet Mrs. residence Sixth, between Santa Fe Avenue and
Union House, Geo. Howard, proprietor Santa Fe Avenue between
Third and Fourth
Valentine H. S. telegraph operator, boards National Hotel
Veatch E. carpenter, residence Eighth, between Santa Fe Avenue
and Summit
Ward H. F. clerk, land office, boards National Hotel
Weiss Henry, proprietor Pueblo Brewery, First, near foot of
Santa Fe Avenue
Weiss Louis, clerk, with P. R. Thombs
Weston E. mason, boards Union Hotel
Weston S. A. blacksmith, residence Eleventh, near Main
Wettmore T. C. attorney at law, residence Santa Fe Avenue
between Second and Third
Wheeler Ezra, register, U. S. land office, boards National Hotel
Whelan T. hostler, with Carlile & King
Willis C. carpenter, boards City Bakery
Williams Katha Mrs. (colored), laundress, residence First, near
Santa Fe Avenue
Williams Wilson (colored), blacksmith, corner Main and Third
Wineke Otto, carpenter, boards Union House
Wilcklow Frank, carpenter, boards Lewis Conley
Withers H. C. proprietor National Hotel
Wortz C. proprietor Washington Brewery, Santa Fe Avenue between
Second and Third
Wright Silas (colored), barber, corner Santa Fe Avenue and
Young W. H. prop, toll bridge, residence First, near Santa Fe
Rocky Mountain Directory & Colorado
Source: Rocky Mountain Directory and
Colorado Gazetteer, 1871, S. S. Wallihan & Company, Compilers
and Publishers, Denver, 1870.