Jefferson County Colorado ~ 1870
The western half of this county lies in the foot-hills, and the
eastern half on the plains. It is bounded on the north by
Boulder and Weld counties; on the east by Arapahoe and Douglas
counties; on the south by Douglas, and on the west by Clear
Creek and Gilpin counties.
Its western limits do not extend far enough up the foot-hills to
reach the belt of gold lodes that traverse these mountains, but
include a series of copper and iron veins, which contain ores of
these metals in great quantities. Along the base of the
foot-hills, in the upturned tertiary strata, nearly the entire
length of the county, coal measures of great extent have already
been discovered and extensively worked; and fire-clay, gypsum
and potter's clay also abound in unlimited quantities.
The agricultural advantages of this county are unsurpassed by
any other in Colorado. In the mountain portion, the valleys of
streams (tributaries of the Platte) widen out as they approach
the plains, and form quite extensive ranches, or farms, which
are actively cultivated, with large and profitable returns.
These yield oats, hay and vegetables, and when the plains are
reached, besides these, wheat, corn, and barley, with great
profusion. On the "plains" portion of the county, agriculture is
aided by irrigation, and ample facilities for this are in the
reach of all, as canals traverse the entire county, affording an
abundant and unfailing supply of water at all seasons. Jefferson
County has but little waste land. The soil, not only of the
plains and valleys, but of the mountain slopes, is unusually
productive, and the climate favorable, even at the greatest
elevations in the mountains. With these advantages, the
agricultural resources of the county are important, and will
afford the means of support, and the opportunities for the
accumulation of wealth, to a large population; but from the
greater facilities afforded for manufacturing enterprises, these
will, without doubt, eventually form the principal feature of
the county's industries. The principal inducements for the
investment of capital in manufactories are the abundance of
cheap fuel, supplied by the immense coal deposits; the
inexhaustible supplies of excellent building material; the
existence of superior water-powers and mill sites, and the
proximity of large deposits of minerals, including copper and
iron in the county, and gold and silver in the adjoining
counties of Boulder and Gilpin. These advantages have already
been improved to a considerable extent, and the manufacturing
enterprises of the county have assumed proportions that place
Jefferson county ahead of all other counties of Colorado in such
industries These embrace the manufacture of fire-brick, for
furnaces; ordinary brick, for building purposes; coarse earthen
or pottery ware, and paper. Besides the factories engaged in the
manufacture of these indispensable articles, there are
breweries, a distillery, planing mills, saw-mills, a mill for
grinding gypsum, and several extensive flouring mills. The fuel,
water-power, crude material, and material for the construction
of factories, used in all these, except that for paper, are
among the products and resources of the county, and exist in
unlimited supplies. Coal for fuel, superior in quality, and at
cheap rates; fire, potter's, and ordinary clay, and gypsum at
the base of the foot-hills; lumber in the pine forest on the
mountains; cereals on the plains and valleys, and water-power
from Clear creek and its tributaries, which traverse the entire
county from east to west. That these superior advantages will
induce the further investment of capital in manufacturing
enterprises is unquestionable; and no doubt, in addition to
present industries, there will soon be constructed extensive
reduction works, for the treatment of the ores of the gold and
silver belts of adjacent counties. The facilities afforded for
such works are unsurpassed, and should be taken advantage of at
once. Besides the superior wagon roads, peculiar to every
district of Colorado already inhabited, Jefferson is traversed
by a railway, the Colorado Central, which affords the medium of
cheap and ample transportation for her products to all markets,
and places her in direct communication with all commercial
The principal city, and county seat of Jefferson, is Golden
City, located in the valley of Clear creek, near the base of the
foot-hills, in the northern central portion of the county, about
fifteen miles from Denver. This was first settled early in 1859,
by gulch miners, and soon became prosperous and populous, and
has remained so. It is not only the chief city of the county,
but the home of her principal manufacturing, mining, and
mercantile enterprises, and educational and religious
institutions. It is surrounded, traversed and mined by coal
measures, beds of fire and potter's clay, and ledges of gypsum,
and watered by Clear creek, which affords numerous superior
water powers and mill privileges, and is in the immediate
vicinity of pine forests and cultivated lands. A detailed
history of Golden and her advantages appears in an appropriate
The only other town of importance in Jefferson county is Mount
Vernon, a beautiful little village, nestled among the
foot-hills, about eighteen miles from Denver, on the main wagon
road from that city to Idaho Springs. It is surrounded by
quarries of limestone, which makes excellent building material,
and pine forests, affording good lumber in unlimited quantities.
The principal streams of Jefferson County are Clear creek and
its tributaries and branches of the Platte, Deer, Turkey, Bear
and Coal creeks, also the North Fork of the South Platte, which
flows through the southern division of the county. They all have
an easterly direction, and flow from the foot-hills, across the
county, to its eastern limits, and are skirted by (bottom lands,
eminently fertile and actively cultivated.
The altitude of the county varies from 4,800 to 8,000 feet above
the sea level, and the climate is that peculiar to the region,
healthy, invigorating, and free from all kinds of malarious or
pulmonic diseases. Extremes in temperature are unknown, and
great falls of snow never take place. Stock fatten at all
seasons, without shelter, and without food save the grasses,
which are abundant and possess all the nutritious and perennial
qualities peculiar to those of Colorado.
Jefferson has already a population which numbers among the
thousands; but still has ample room, and offers superior
inducements to tens of thousands of industrious miners,
mechanics and ranch-men.
Rocky Mountain Directory & Colorado
Source: Rocky Mountain Directory and
Colorado Gazetteer, 1871, S. S. Wallihan & Company, Compilers
and Publishers, Denver, 1870.