German Colony Colorado ~ 1870
This colony, which was organized at Chicago in the spring of
1870, under the leadership of Carl Wulsten, and which made the
passage from Chicago, via the Kansas Pacific route, to the Wet
Mountain valley, with a good deal of parade and éclat has not
succeeded in accomplishing as much or making as satisfactory a
record as the one already described. Charges of corruption and
dishonesty have been openly preferred against some of the
prominent men of the organization, by members who have left in
disgust. Others report that the situation selected is the very
worst that could have been found in Colorado. They assert that
the elevation is so great, and the valley so hemmed in by bleak
mountains, that nearly all crops fail to mature before the frost
period cuts them off. On the other hand, these reports are
declared to be the exaggerated croakings of disaffected members,
who foolishly expected to find all the hills flowing with wine
and honey, and milk, and lager!
We have no statistics at hand with which to either corroborate
or contradict the above statements. Doubtless the disaffected
exaggerate the disadvantages and disappointments, while the
managers equally overrate the advantages and successes of the
Wet Mountain valley lies south from Canon City, in Pueblo and
Fremont counties. It is well shut in by spurs of mountain
ranges; well watered; abundantly supplied with timber in the
vicinity of excellent and extensive beds of coal, and will
doubtless attract more and more attention as it becomes better
Rocky Mountain Directory & Colorado
Source: Rocky Mountain Directory and
Colorado Gazetteer, 1871, S. S. Wallihan & Company, Compilers
and Publishers, Denver, 1870.